Love yourself enough to say no to others demands on your time and energy that don't feed your spirit or are your responsibility to accomplish. Your angel guidance is to remind you that saying no doesn't mean you don't care or love someone in your life, it means that you know your limits and that it is okay to take time for you, your growth and creating that which you desire. Remember to delegate what you can and let things go in love that you either have no desire to do, or they aren't your responsibility in the first place. If this is a challenge for you, invite your angels into your conversations and they can help you find the right words to say that allows you to express yourself without hurting the feelings of others.
When you are feeling happy, grounded and centered in your own world, you then better able to be the human angel for those around you. Ask your angels to help you, to give you strength and courage and take that important time out for you.
Affirm: "When I set clear boundaries for those around me, I have more time and energy to accomplish the things that are important to me."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan