We are all presented with opportunities and are expected to flow with the currents that come our way. Your angel guidance is that something is now being made available to you and it is up to you to use it to your greatest advantage. Be alert, be aware and be prepared.
You can of course make your own opportunities. If you knock on enough doors, one will open for you to walk through, with your angels at your side. You are also reminded to persevere, for it may be that a door which was previously closed has now been opened, so pay attention to the signs we put before you.
Quiet your mind, tune into your heart light and ask your angels to assist and guide you. They are always with you and are here to lighten your path, you need only ask and then become aware to what is happening around you.
Affirm: "The Universe provides many opportunities for me to fulfill my purpose and my mission and I am become more aware of these signs each day."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan