You may have been going through a growth spurt of late as the energy is ripe for growth and expansion of who you are and what you are becoming. This is a time when you release on a spiritual, mental, and emotional level what no longer serves you or your growth and your physical body needs time to adjust. The angels remind you to drink more water as it helps to flush and release toxins and energy that your physical body no longer needs or wants, to eat well and get plenty of rest and fresh air to assist the process and lessen the symptoms of vibrational shifts. Spend time in meditation and journal about the changes you are experiencing as this will show you the progress of your soul's growth.
Your angel guidance is to remember that these growth sessions free up energy for a windfall of ideas, inspirations and situations to come your way. Be in a state of gratitude, even if there is seemingly no visible signs of this yet. This is your opportunity for growth, health and healing as you are becoming that powerful you. You have the power of the Universe within you! All the power of Divine love, wisdom and intelligence is within you. Allow yourself to shine with radiant love, so that you true power shines forth and into the world in miraculous ways
Affirm: "I am grateful for all the opportunities for growth and expansion in my life and each day my life gets better and better."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan