2015年12月1日 星期二

天使的智慧 20151128 道路

旅程   The Journey


Today's message is about the chosen path, or the journey that you are on and that it is time to look within your sacred heart of hearts to see if it is truly what you want for yourself and your life or have you gone off for some reason or another. It is all right to adjust the path that you are on, as that is how you grow. The path ahead always adjusts itself with the pace of your growth, if you trust in the path and your knowingness to take each next step without a doubt, you will get where you wanted to go all along.


Your contracts are always modifying themselves as you change. Balance is always achieved. So if you are not currently happy with the results you are achieving, ask yourself and take a deeper look. This is also the time to focus on your own path, not the lives of those around you, and let go of that which isn't yours. Your journey and what you perceive it to be is uppermost at hand and that should be the focus of your experiences, of your intentions, and your plan.


Affirm: "I am on the path of my soul's destiny and the choices I make right now support my soul's growth and purpose in the highest possible Light."

就是如此   And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

