2015年12月6日 星期日

天使的智慧 20151204 體驗的智慧

利用你的體驗去幫助做出改變    Utilize your experiences to help make changes


You truly are a powerful sage, now is the time to use your experience, energy and creativity to focus on what you want to create. Your angel guidance is to know you that you are magnificently powerful when you focus consciously on what you want to create . Now is the time to resolve and restore balance in your life. With resolute focus you will 'suddenly' see terrific things are happening without seemingly much effort. This change is the result of all the hard work you have been doing so keep at it .


Remember that your thoughts always have an effect on what happens next in your life. It is important to be conscious of where our thoughts are at all times, so these good fortunes continue and are not just a respite after the storm. Invest wisely on all levels, the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. Remember you have worked hard to get where you are, and it is a great feeling to know how far you've come with all that you have learned in life's lessons.


Affirm: "I understand how the power and effect of my thoughts, feelings and words can change my world in positive ways."

就是如此   And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn    翻譯:Nick Chan

