2016年1月27日 星期三

天使的智慧 20160124 言行一致

做你知道是正確的事   Do what you know is right


You know it your heart what is the best choice to choose, even if it is the more difficult one. When you do not honour your heart, you feel out of balance within and this can lead to sickness and disease. When you stop for a moment and take a breath, then look at your options, you usually make clearer, more wise and just decisions. Stand up and live by your truth, walk your talk, and be your authentic self.


As you are searching for more meaningful spiritual and emotional experiences, think about what is most meaningful to you. You have the power of creativity and the wisdom of your experience to help to guide you and the courage to accept the opportunities that you are being offered . This is an exciting time on your plane, cherish these moments and live in your truth always.


Affirmation: "I trust that I m​​ake fair and just choices and decisions and this shows in my actions, thoughts and deeds."

就是如此    And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn    翻譯:Nick Chan

