2016年1月28日 星期四

天使的智慧 20160125 樂觀

保持一個感激的態度   Keep an Attitude of Gratitude


Choose what thoughts and words you use carefully. Use only positive words and thoughts to describe your current state of affairs as these thoughts and words are quickly manifesting into form. Listen carefully to any self talk and thoughts you have about yourself and your life and as soon as you notice any that don't feel good or supportive, cancel them and replace them with those that support you and what you are trying to create for yourself.


Ask your angels and guides to help you to monitor your thoughts and feelings more closely. Ask Archangel Michael to overlight you and clear lower vibrating thoughts and feelings and to help you carefully choose the thoughts, ideas and feelings that you would like to hold as your truth so that you can use your power to focus on what you desire and not on what you do not want for yourself and your world.


Affirm: "I carefully choose optimistic and positive thoughts and words to support my life and my goals."

就是如此    And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

