2016年2月2日 星期二

天使的智慧 20160131 新的開始

這是新開始的時刻    This signifies a time for new beginnings


Sometimes we cling to the old or the familiar and see change or the unknown as frightening. Call upon your angels and guides whenever you feel alone or afraid, when facing new situations, people or projects. Be open to new approaches to life, new opportunities and options that come with releasing the old ways, thoughts and attitudes that are no longer working or supporting your growth. Allow yourself to be stretched and expand your perspective and know that humans learn about themselves and their world through growth, change and new experiences.


Have faith and trust that something new is on the horizo​​n. Hold positive thoughts for yourself and others as you go through the doorway of change. Support each other and make it your aim to have a sense of satisfaction from the completions as you move on to the new that is coming your way, even if you can't see what this is just yet. Trust in the cycles of life, and that with each cycle, things will get better and better.


Affirm: "I welcome the new energy that is coming my way and happily shed what is old and outdated. I am ready to evolve to the next level on my journey."

就是如此   And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

