2016年2月18日 星期四

天使的智慧 20160216 授權

成為授權的愛之存在   Be Empowered beings of Love


Your personal power increases the more you trust and love yourself. It is time to utilize and step into your role as an ambassador of Love and Light. This means that you know you have a choice and you choose consciously to take the higher road and yes it is often the one less traveled. It is important that you not worry about what paths others choose to take. It is important for you to focus on your road, your path and cleaning it up along the way.


You are a powerful co-creator of Divine Love Energy, and it is safe for you to be that powerful being. Ask the angels to assist you in realizing and releasing any thoughts, feelings and situations that hold you back from taking your true power. This allows for new thoughts, ideas and inspirations to come your way and have room to germinate and grow.


Enjoy the shifts you see around you, and use your power to create a better world for yourself, and those you love. It's rippling effect is astounding.


Affirm:" I am a powerful creative force in service to the Universe."

就是如此   And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

