2016年2月26日 星期五

天使的智慧 20160224 戲劇

與周圍發生的戲劇分離    Detach from the Drama that is happening around You


As you expand and heal yourself you become more aware and sensitive to your environments and the energy around you. Many of you will find that you are more open to feeling the emotions of others and yet do not always realize that it is the energy of others that is causing disturbances in your life. Since humans evolve at different rates, there are is usually a variety of issues and dramas taking place. If you find you must be in a situation where there is a lot of emotional drama happening, surround the situations with a loving light and use shields and filters around yourself so that you are not affected by this energy.


Your angel guidance is to remember that often the drama unfolding is excuses to not get on with your purpose and your mission. Do not use this as an excuse to not experience life to the fullest and live a life we​​ll lived. Make each moment count as you truly only have now and be the best you can be in that now.


Today's Mantra is: "I am filled with greater and greater Light and understanding each day. ​​This light allows me to be unaffected by the energy created through the drama unfolding around me."

就是如此   And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn     翻譯:Nick Chan

