2016年3月24日 星期四

天使的智慧 20160321 釋放

這是釋放的時間    It is a time of release

是時候去放下不再服務你成長的諸多事物和情感了。其中一些過程可能看似痛苦和困難,在一開始,但它值得去通過。有著一些過去的行動和人需要你去溫柔地放下。很快目標或這個進展--- 當時看似困難的--- 會變得清晰,你會明白為了成長和進化,這個進程和它創造的能量注定會產生它的魔力。轉變的進程會幫助創造新項目,新的愛,新朋友和新生活的能量與力量。這個能量很強大,你被敦促去接納它。

It is time to let go of many of things and emotions that no longer serve your growth. Some of this process might seem painful and difficult at first, however it is worth the journey through to the other side. There are actions and people from the past that you are being urged to gently let go of. Soon enough the purpose or this process - as difficult as it may seem at the time - will become clear and you will understand that in order to grow and evolve, this process and the energy it creates is destiny working its magic. The process of transformation will help to create the energy and strength for new projects, new loves, new friends and a new life. This energy is strong and you are urged to accept it.


The Mantra for today is: "I release any thoughts, feelings, people, and things that no longer support my growth and I am ready to move on to something more meaningful."

就是如此    And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn    翻譯:Nick Chan

