Take the time to notice and work on your abilities to hear, see and feel the loving guidance that your angels are sending your way. These messages will help to guide you and as you hone your skills, you will find your abilities strengthen and become an added tool for guiding you to the best decisions and choices in your daily life.
Your angel guidance is to develop and focus on using your different senses during your meditation practice. It is through consciously focusing on one area that it will improve and pick up the more subtle vibrations that are around you helping you to interpret your environment.
完美的時間就是現在。沒有比今天更好的時間去開始新的修行--- 轉向美麗的內在智慧和指引。隨著你精通每個領域,協調到另一個感知,繼續前進。隨著你練習和完美你的技能,你會成為生活中有意識的創造者,你一直所渴望的。
The perfect time is now. There is no better time than today to begin a new spiritual practice of tuning into your own beautiful inner wisdom and guidance. As you gain mastery in each area, tune in with another sense and keep moving forward. As you practice and perfect your skills, you will become that conscious creator in your life you have been yearning for.
The Mantra for today is: "Each day I become better and better at using my senses to interpret the cues from the energy around me."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan