花時間暫停,審視生活不同的面向,你的項目和目標,因為耐心,理解和實際應用會展示你最好的道路去進行。管理你的資產--- 物質和非物質的,明智地記住你非常辛苦地工作把自己帶到了這個地方。實現一個平衡總是最好的道路,內在深處你知道該做什麼,你知道什麼是對的和最好的。
Take time out to pause and review the different aspects of life, your projects and your goals as patience, understanding, and practical applications will show you the best way to proceed. Manage your assets - both physical and non-physical, wisely remembering that you have worked very hard to bring yourself to this place in your life. Achieving a balance is always the best way to go and deep within you know what to do, you know what is right and best for you.
Positive changes are on the way! Be sure to keep your thoughts on the desired outcome and not necessarily on what is at this present time as these times of growth can often be tiring however they offer you the ability to make life more grand. Welcome this energy with open arms and trust that in the end you will see your intentions manifesting and make fair and just decisions along the way. What you seek is yours, you just might have to be a little more patient as it comes to fruition.
The Mantra for today is: "I carefully review the aspects of my life and make the best choices for me and my growth as I make my dreams come true."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan