2016年6月8日 星期三

天使的智慧 20160606 豐盛

豐盛是一種心態    Abundance is a mind-set

你是否想像一個豐盛的生活,你是否可視化地毯再次從你腳下被拉走,或者你不值得擁有所有美好的東西?天使想要提醒你在心中和頭腦中保持積極的態度的重要性,並即刻抹去任何消極的想法--- 悄悄潛入頭腦裂縫的,當那個人不警惕的時候。

Do you envision a life of living abundantly, or do you visualize the rug being pulled out from under you once again, or perhaps even that you are just not worthy of all things wonderful? The angels want to remind you of the importance of keeping a positive attitude in both your heart and your mind and immediately erase any negative thoughts that creep in the crevasse of the mind when one is not vigilant.


Be ready now to transform any thoughts and feelings that do not support you or your growth and simply choose to hold thoughts that are productive and wanted. Also be ready to take action and follow up on intuitive insights and feelings as these are indeed the guideposts you have been looking for to help you.

今天的咒語:“我準備好過上豐盛的生活了 ! ”

The Mantra for today is: " I am READY NOW to live a life of ABUNDANCE!"

就是如此    And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn    翻譯:Nick Chan


