When something is troubling you and you are not sure what to do, it helps to look with fresh eyes. Sometimes when you look at a challenging situation from a different perspective, it seems to almost heal itself. It helps to see others' points of view or to imagine how those who are making it challenging are dealing with things. Don't take things personally as it is seldom about you or the situation, it is usually about them and their own journey. Gaining insight and a broader perspective helps to puts things in a new light of understanding and compassion.
Ask your angels to help you if you are unsure what is the next best step to take and they will be of service and set things up for you to expand your understanding as well as inspire what actions are best to take to bring about a successful conclusion so that you are free to usher in new opportunities and move on.
The mantra for today is: "As I look at situations from a new perspective, I gain insight and clarity and can then easily move on to a successful completion."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan