When life is a bit too chaotic, take a deep breath and go within. Find the centre of your soul star and make a connection. Once you are there, ground your energy first with the earth, and then with the stars, and then blend your heart with your guardians and angels. From this still point of reference all things are possible. There is no doubt or fear here, for it cannot exist in the presence of pure love.
Go outside and let mother earth's energy send you healing. Nature offers so many gifts that will open up to those who are brave enough to find them. Realize that your experiences on your earth journey are about finding the gift of being in each moment, regardless of what is happening around you. Release the drama, release feelings of less than, and spark the flames of creation that dwell within your sacred heart.
The mantra for today is: "I can easily bring myself back into balance by going within and re-centring myself and remembering that all is well!"
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan