Sure, there are times when you wonder what you are doing here on Earth. You wonder how did you get here? You wonder what is this call to arms that Life on Earth seems to assert? You may wonder if Life on Earth is just a battle or if Life on Earth is a major war. So it may seem to you.
It may seem to you that you are out on the trench lines, seemingly without the God-Given Blessing of Free Will.
Every day you have to get up whether you want to or not.
Every single day you have to rise and shine, put on your face to the world, and breathe a deep breath as you go out the door.
There may be no one to say good-by to you, or there could be someone to hug you before you leave, or someone who doesn"t seem to care if you come or go. Alas, Hearts of Love may have stalled.
Life isn"t meant to be an impasse. Life is meant to be a voyage or a great journey to the Holy Grail. Daily Life, which is a dream while you are on Earth, is meant to be a dream you would like and eagerly venture forth on. Instead of trembling at the day to come, you are meant to greet the day as you would a dear friend.
A rainy day can still be welcome. A mountainous trek can be a joy. You can even enjoy shoveling snow. Whatever Life hands you, you are meant to come shining through.
Tell Me, when all is said and done, has there ever been anything you haven"t come out on the other side, picked yourself up and brushed yourself off, and gotten on your way?
Sometimes you may think:"If only life weren"t so daily."
Then invoke every day as a celebration. You don"t have to have a special occasion to celebrate. You would celebrate Life. Pause to celebrate this great opportunity called Life. Celebrate your arrival here. Celebrate the Turn of the Wheel. Turn on street lights. Dance in the streets. Play the flute. Jump high. Life is the fuel you run on. Love brought you to Life. You were invited, and you accepted.
If your zest for life has fizzled or drizzled, revive it. Life on Earth is a gift to you. If you have been thinking that Life is a hardship, take a new approach to Life.
Oh, boy, if life were given to you to last a week or a month ago or only for one day, you would hop to it. You would gravitate to the Moon and the Stars. You would bless this planet and have more gratitude than you could contain. You would hold up a flower. You would bow down to the face of a young child, a child who worships you, or a child on the street. It wouldn"t matter, for all children would be like art in a museum.
You would honor water. A common apple would be a delicacy. Worm holes would be a wonder.
Knees and elbows and limbs that move would be awe-inspiring. And what about words? You would move your lips, and there would be words that bubble out, and you would see books full of words in all shapes and sizes.
噢,還有音樂。音樂有誰會用想像的? 它是無法想像的,然而你卻能聽到它。然後,一個又一個奇蹟,你發現你還可以歌唱。你能唱歌了!
Oh, and music. Who could even imagine music? It would be unimaginable, yet you would hear it. And, miracle after miracle, you would find that you can sing. You can sing!
You would ask yourself:"What special Heaven is this Earth upon which I trod? If this is not Heaven, what kind of Paradise is this?"
You would know that you are blessed to know of Oceans and Sand. You would turn somersaults of joy. You would run and jump and savor every last crumb of life. You would beg to stay longer. Admit it, to stay longer on Earth would be your fervent prayer.
傳導:Gloria Wendroff 發佈於2016年04月22日
翻譯:紫蝶 校對:天堂豎琴 http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1554109041