Look deeply at whereyou truly are right now and then when you clearly see where you areit is easier to decide which way to go from here. You are hereright now and that is truly all that is important. What has led upto this moment has been the groundwork for what is to come and youcan truly only accept that for what it is. There is no pointlamenting the past for it is done and it is time to move on tosomething more meaningful.
Also remember thatyou cannot change or control the actions of another, you are onlyresponsible for yourself, your own integrity, and your own views oflife and your world. This is a part of the law of Acceptance, andwhile part of you is restricted by the free will of others, therest of you is free to move and choose and live your life to thefullest that you can from where your at.
Affirmation: "I feelcalm, happy, and joyful with my life. I understand my life and knowthat positive change always comes with the opportunities that areavailable to me."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:SharonTaphorn 翻譯:NickChan