2014年8月4日 星期一

天使的智慧20140801 魔法般的能量

在空氣中有著魔力  There is magic in theair


This is a time ofcelebration and joy as there is like an almost tangible energy ofmagic available to you if you choose to reach out and feel it andof course use it to its fullest potential as you have not had thistype of magic available to you in a long while. This energy bringswith it a gift of passion, opportunity and inspiration! Ask yourangels to bring helpful people to you to help to lighten the way.Worry is unnecessary. Focus your thoughts on the outcome you desire. Free yourself of any form of self -punishment by turning to thepower of positive thinking and remember that it is always darkestjust before the dawn.


Everything happensfor a rea​​son in this magnificent Universe and your life is a partof that equation. Release any regrets, so that you are free tofully embrace these opportunities. There is something positiveawaiting your arrival. Things may not have turned out exactly asyou expected, however this time it is important to trust that theUniverse has something even more grand in store for you. Embracethe changes and see them as the guiding hand of spirit helping youto find your way.


Affirmation: "I amfocused on remembering that this is a magnificent Universe withenough for everyone. I am using my talents and skills to tap intothe magical energy of co-creation that is available to me rightnow."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:SharonTaphorn  翻譯:NickChan  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102uya0.html

