2014年8月6日 星期三

天使的智慧20140804 一道光

在隧道盡頭有著一道光There is a light atthe end of the tunnel


The closer you get tothat light, the closer you are to a completion and of course thatbrings with in a new beginning. Perhaps you would like toexperience a change in direction in your career, or perhaps somenew friends that are of like mind as you have changes so muchduring this last cycle. So, breathe a sigh of relief and make somenew plans for yourself and your life for when you hit that lightyou will feel like things take a sudden lunge forward and you willsee the results of your intentions manifest with greatspeed.


Believe in yourselfas you see that light getting closer and bigger as it is because ofthe steps you have taken, and the healing you have done to bringyou to this momentous moment in your life. You have some wonderfulideas and we are encouraging you to act upon them . Don't let anybumps in your path stop you, just go around them of over them asthey are not about hindering your progress, they are about clearingup your thoughts and refocusing your intentions. Communication withyour inner guidance will be your greatest companion on this journeyand help you in undreamed of ways.


Affirmation: "Thereis a light at the end of the tunnel and it is guiding me to abetter way to fulfil my mission and my destiny."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:SharonTaphorn   翻譯:NickChan


