2014年10月17日 星期五

【天使的智慧】 20141015 《冥想》

對自己做一個承諾  Make a commitment to yourself

A regular meditation practice is one of your greatesttools. It can help you in so many ways. It is the key to helpingyou keep your balance and sense of peace, even when the worldaround you seems filled with chaos, confusion, and uncaring. It canhelp you to find answers and alternatives. It helps you to grow andcreate. It is your connection to Source, to your ancestors, andyour portal to other realms. When you work on this practice, youdevelop a stronger and clearer bond with your higher self, yourguides and angels, and you begin to walk as one on a consciousbasis, which helps you to experience your world in a newway.


A simple and yet loving meditation is to connect withyour angels, and connect with your heart and allow the energy oflove, the energy of home to surround you and be bathed in thatlight. Just sit in that energy for a time and allow it to heal you .When you are saturated with love, envision an orb of lightsurrounding you and ask that it be there with you throughout yourday. ​​If at any time during your day you need an extra boost, justremember the feeling this brought to you and you are back thereonce again, feeling peaceful and feeling loved.


Take the time and make the commitment to yourself to apractice that includes meditation. It does not have to be long, itjust needs to be done. You are worth it and the peace of mind thatit gives you is worth it.


Affirmation: "Any time I need to feel more peaceful andloved, I only need to recall the love from the Creator, from myguides, my angels, and my ancestors, and I am once again surroundedby the light of love."

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angelsand guides

通靈:Sharon Taphor   翻譯:Nick Chan 

