2014年10月21日 星期二

【天使的智慧】 20141019 《靈性教師》

發展你的自我發現之旅  Evolve your journey ofself-discovery


Seek out a teacher or a mentor to assist you inyour growth and journey of discovering your true divine lifepurpose. They will help you to empower you, motivate you to followyour heart and do what you love. They can help you to haveconfidence in yourself, your talents and skills. There are manywonderful opportunities in front of you related to your creativity,your career, or in the pursuit of your dreams. Learn everything youcan about your interests by taking some classes, or teaming up withlike-minded people.


If you don't have others around you who shareyour expanding views of life, the Universe and all that is, askyour angels to help to guide you. They can lead you towards acourse of study that can help to guide you, or draw to you someonewho can help you find a path that feels right and good to you.There are also great rewards in spending time alone, in solitude,in nature, or in meditation. These moments can help you findclarity, information, understanding, to focus on love , and to shineyour light as an example for others to follow. Don't underestimatethe power of your light, for it shines bright, as your journey ofpeace and enlightenment helps others by your action, your love, andyour insights.


Affirmation: "I am evolving my path of discovery as Iexpand my light, and I am guided to information, people, and placesthat will assist me, to help give me confidence in myself, myabilities, and my choices. I am living my life each day in mydivine purpose."

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angelsand guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn  翻譯:Nick Chan 

