2014年10月27日 星期一

天使的智慧20141024 相信

亂中有序   Making Order out ofChaos


When all about youseems to be spinning madly and not truly making much sense on whyor when things around you seemed to be going out of control, thatis when it is important to look around and see what is beingoffered to you and let go of the need to be in control and adjustyour course and follow the path of the wise ones through the spiralto the other side of light. You are being guided by signs andsymbols showing you the way to understanding, to alternatives andchoices, and to command the forces that help you create yourworld.


Let your spirit beablaze with the fire of your passion, your desire to create anew.You are on a daring adventure in time and space, creating a betterway for those that follow. Remember that it is important to lookaround and see what is being made available to you that you did notpreviously notice as there is always more going on that meets theeye. Destiny, truth, and trusting in your goals shines through theeffervescent sparkle in your eyes as you set your focus and worktowards those goals with the self-confidence of a master. Castaside any fears or doubts that you will not accomplish what youhave set your heart and mind towards and allow yourself to be freein the smooth waters that are ahead of you and flow with the riverof life.


Affirmation: "I trustthat I have wings to help me fly and carry me above the clouds andshow me the expansiveness of the world and the freedom that itbrings when I allow myself to soar."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:SharonTaphorn   翻譯:NickChan 

