You are on a most important journey in your personalevolution along with the very planet upon which reside and you arebeing asked by the Council of the Masters - a group of high beingsfrom across the Universes - to step up your game and focus yourattention on becoming the best possible you. This does not meanthat you are perfect, it means to do your best each day and to alsobe kind and gentle with yourself as you discover your greatpotential. These beings of light and love are trying to get yourattention as you have an important project or task that will notonly benefit you, but also all of humankind. This will help withthis great shift that is happening on your planet in ways you maynot completely understand, but to trust that what is unfolding isfor the good of all.
The world may not seem completely ready for all theinformation and knowledge that is being downloaded into your energyfield at this time, however it is there for you to use and retrievewhen you feel that the time is right. Those who seek it will knowwhere to go and so be patient with the unfolding process and keepmoving forward as you feel guided. Allow the pathways to yourspiritual heart to be open so that you are more receptive to themessages they send to you as well as to feel the love for you andall that you do to assist in this great awakening. It is not alwayseasy to be one of the wise ones, so know that you are not alone andhave the support of powerful benevolent beings of love.
Affirmation: "I am surrounded by the love, light, andwisdom from the great Masters of the Universes, and I am ready andopen to receive the information and understandings that will assistin this great awakening of humankind."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angelsand guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan