It is time to viewthings from a different perspective. You're strong desire to moveon to something more meaningful is ripe and ready for action. Lookpast what you are currently feeling or dealing with and rememberthat the first step towards the changes you desire is the mostimportant . Refuse to be stuck in a situation that doesn't make youhappy or support your growth. Don't wait for someone to rescue you,this is all about you and making the choices and seeing thingsclearly and trusting in yourself. You have great strength andcourage that is available to you and it is time to take thatimportant next step in manifesting your dreams andintentions.
Do not worry if thereis a pause in momentum, as this allows you the time you need torethink your approach and make some new plans that are morebefitting who you are now. Embrace your own uniqueness and lookpast your current circumstances and see the bigger picture.Envision the endless opportunities that are available to you asthis is truly an abundant Universe and there is enough for all.Call your angels to walk with you and ask for them to help you seethe road head with clarity, love and ease. Notice the signs thatguide you in the direction of your intentions and know that you aresupported in undreamed of ways.
Affirmation: "I amready to move past my current situations and circumstances andtrust that the path ahead of me is filled with endlessopportunities, clarity, love, and abundance."
就是如此 And so itis
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:SharonTaphorn 翻譯:NickChan