2014年11月20日 星期四

天使的智慧20141117 呼吸

深呼吸  BreatheDeeply


It is important totake deep conscious breaths. It helps you to tap into the vastrealms of your cellular consciousness, to rejuvenate yourselves,and feeds you the very oxygen that is necessary to keep yourphysical vessels alive. It is life force energy at its finest andit is your connection to the earth who thrives off your out-breathsand converts them to the very oxygen you need to survive. It is theperfect living example of the cycle of life and the importance ofyour connections with each other.


Just for a momentstop and be still. Take a deep breath in and pause for a moment.See what it feels like to be in that in-between moment. Now,consciously begin to breathe in and out, feeling each breath andthe sensations that are invoked within you as you breathe. Feelthis life force energy as it flows through your nostrils, thesensations, the feelings, the slow expansion of your lungs as theyfill with this nourishment, feel the slight moment just before youare about to release this breath and then the beautiful moment asyou slowly release it, feeling a warmth flow through you as yourelease the carbon dioxide and allow the finest of oxygen moleculesto flow through your physical vessel, breathing with your entirebody, your entire consciousness participating in the dance. Takeseveral of these breaths until you feel alive, balanced, andgrounded.


You sometimes believeyou are separate from your earth and nothing can be further fromthe truth. Now is the time to exchange this energy, to take it intoyou, to allow yourself to expand, and feeding your every cell, allthe while you are giving back to the earth through this perfectbalance of giving and receiving, this perfect dance oflife.

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:SharonTaphorn  翻譯:NickChan 

