Allow yourself to bevulnerable and feel love and all its emotions. Feeling deeply is ajoy and not a curse and some of you have spent a great deal of timesquelching those feelings and nicely stuffing them down inside ofyou, hoping that it never resurfaces and you have to feel that kindof pain again. It is that same energy that makes you vulnerable topain, that makes you vulnerable to the immense, deep pleasure oflove. It is okay to feel deeply, to be tender, and be open to lovein all of its glorious aspects .
Vulnerability is astrength that allows you to be open to receive. It takes greatcourage to keep going and get up each day and make a fresh start,and do the best you can do. These challenges and the hero's journeywithin are keys to your inner strength and sense of belonging tothe All that Is. Deep intimate connections can only be created byunderstanding who you are, what you reject and dislike aboutyourself, and bringing home, bringing back and nurturing that partof you that you have rejected so long ago. The journey back towholeness is when you integrate the many facets of you and beingvulnerable is often one of the most challenging to processthrough.
You are strong, youare a survivor, but you are fragile too. The power of thisvulnerability is that you break through into freedom, self-love andacceptance, and attract others and healthy relationships with yourheart wide open.
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:SharonTaphorn 翻譯:NickChan
通靈:SharonTaphorn 翻譯:NickChan