2014年11月18日 星期二

天使的智慧20141115 真實性

重新收回你真實的自我   Reclaim yourAuthentic Self


You are being calledto remember who you truly are. You are being called to reawaken thegod/goddess within you and be your authentic self. Take a moment,take a deep breath, and allow your true self to awaken and emerge.Release any thoughts of others expectations of who you should be,or expectations on yourself of who you think others want you to beand allow yourself to breathe and be free. This will help you toreclaim your personal power and gather your forces and breakthrough this next phase of your expansion and growth.


This is a time toallow your spirit to be free. Find a safe haven that allows for youto not worry or think about anything other than just being free inthat moment. Be free in that moment to simply BE - be free to danceunder the moon light, free of dogma, free of political correctness,free of family and relationships, free to just BE. Enjoy thesemoments of freedom and commit to a regular time-out from all of theworld and just BE. This is a gift that will help you to expand andunderstand who you are, who you are becoming, and helps you to findpeace in your world.


Affirmation: "I AMFREE. I am free to be ME. I am free to just BE. Iam SIMPLY FREE to BEME."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:SharonTaphorn   翻譯:NickChan 

