2014年12月8日 星期一

天使的智慧20141204 直覺

宇宙的奧秘正在展開   The Mysteries of theUniverse are unfolding


Let the light of themoon be your guide, hone your skills and learn to interpret andtrust the signals and feelings that your innate abilities areshowing you to help to light the path ahead. Take time to observethe mysteries around you and most importantly within you to help todeepen your understanding of life, the Universe, and all that is.Use the phases of the moon to assist you in the manifestation ofintentions. When is the best time for you to set your intentions,promote growth and allowing for rest and replenishment in betweenas all are important factors in the process. Patience too issometimes a necessary practice as divine timing plays its part inthe ebb and flow of life.


Your angel guidanceis to remember that all things come in their proper and mostperfect time and so rest assured that all is well. If something isnot clear to you and you would like for it to be so, ask forassistance and the information you seek will come your way. Do notworry that you will not receive the signs that help to guide you asthis is the block that most often is experienced. Do not try toforce things to happen, just be with what it is and trust that allwill unfold as it should. You are growing and moving forward byyour willingness to seek out more and soon you will see this foryourself as you open up to the deeper meanings and inner workingsof your life. You are receiving help with the changes in your lifeon many levels, including the physical, emotional , mental andspiritual and much is being revealed to you, even in the darkest ofthe night.


Affirmation: "As I mydeepen intuitive understanding of all that is sacred, I am guidedto all that is possible on the journey of life, opening myself upto deeper meanings and the inner workings of Life, the Universe,and All that Is."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

