2014年12月8日 星期一

【天使的智慧】 20141205 《準備翱翔》

讓你的靈魂翱翔   Let your spirit soar


Awaken the God/Goddess within you. It is time to letyour true self emerge. Release him/her and let them soar to theirtrue magnificence. Have faith and trust that being your authenticself will feel so freeing, so natural, and such a relief. As youbecome your authentic self, you become more joyful, peaceful andhappy. Yes, there are things that might change in your world asyour new vibration won't always match those that around you, andthat is okay. Trust and know that they too will one day find theirpath, whatever that may be for them.


Take some quiet time to meditate and connect with thedivinity within you. See the divinity in others and in all things.Remain focused and positive, and follow the guidance of your heartspeaking its truth. As you bring forth the true you, you becomeaware that you are always connected with your guides, angels, andeverything around you. We are a part of each other. Feel our loveemanate from inside of you and Let it flow all aroundyou.


Keep your thoughts, words and action positive and onyour goals and intentions. As you ascend others may feelthreatened or fear that you are leavingthem behind. Don't let this deter you from your mission, send themlove and keep on your desired path for it is this action that willgive others the courage to follow their path of light.


Affirmation: "My light is growing and expanding eachday and I am ready to soar and be my true and authenticself."

就是如此   And so it is


Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

