2014年12月10日 星期三

天使的智慧20141206 享受和慶祝

花時間去享受生活  Take time out toenjoy your life.


It is alwaysimportant to take time for you, take a moment and delight in thewonders of everyday and celebrate in it. Celebrate each day of yourlife. Take action today to take care of yourself. Take the time toeat foods that nourish your physical body, as well as nourish yourspirit. Go outside and breath some fresh air and marvel in all ofthe beauty that is around you, as this too feeds you physically,mentally, spiritually and emotionally. This is also a good time totake a look at your life and take action and change those parts ofyour life that aren't working for you or that you are unhappywith.


Celebrate withothers, celebrate with those you love and create great energyfilled with laughter and lightness. Your Angel guidance is toremember to celebrate and honour all things great or small in yourlife, honour who you are and watch the grandness and joy that itcreates in your life. This is creative energy at its finest and itcan help you in so many ways. It helps to heal your body, your mindand your heart, it helps you gain focus and clarity and to have thekind of life that fills and satisfies you and helps you togrow .


Affirmation: "Icelebrate each moment of my life. As I celebrate all things greatand small that are important to me my life changes in wonderfulways and in the process of celebration more joy comes myway."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

