Remember the Universe wants you to have your heart'sdesires. There is a limitless pool of which to draw from. Take timeout today to clearly decide what you truly want to experiencetoday, then send out positive thoughts and words for the changesthat you seek, and fulfilment of your dreams. Ask your angels tohelp you for they eagerly stand at your side waiting, guiding, andassisting you along the way. You are never alone, always loved, andalways supported.
Your angel guidance is to remember it is important toonly think about what you desire, not what you fear, as you getwhat you think about whether you want it or not. Use that samedetermination you had when you believed in yourself and your dreamsto help you create in your life right now. It is a power tool thatwill take you as far as you dare to dream, and remember to Dreambig dear ones. The joy that is created as you realize your dreamsis powerful tool that assists others who have yet to develop yourcourage . It is in this way that you assist the growth and evolutionof all humanity.
We are here to catch you if you fall. We are here tohold your hand. We are here to love and help you remember yourpower as you take each step. Keep hope in your heart and trust thattoday is a new day, with fresh new opportunities to live in thelight and realize your hopes and your dreams.
Affirmation: "With hope in my heart and the supportof my angels, I can do anything I set my intentions to manifest inmy life."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan