Honour your talentsand abilities and work on developing them to their fullest. Wonderabout the possibilities that your life has reached when everythingyou could be depends on who you choose to be, what signal you arebroadcasting to the world, what tone is your soul song, and how youare communicating it to those around you.
Allow your spirit torise. Allow this epic moment to be and know that you haveeverything you need to excel, to succeed, and to prosper in allaspects of your life and don't settle for less than your pure heartdesire to create a better way. Your abilities are sharpening andyou can quickly advance forward, flowing high vibrations with yourlogic and your brilliance heightened and expanding. Work with yourcrystals, work with nature and the animals and as you grow andblossom, so too will your feelings of bliss, of connectedness, yourtelepathy and compassion, and becoming one with all thatis.
Affirmation: "Themore I know that I am connected to the Divine, the more divine mylife becomes and I am flowing high vibrations that attract to memany divine experiences that keep my vision alive."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan