Some of you are experiencing subtle shifts in yourenergy and well-being and yet others are experiencing enormousshifts and changes at this time and so trust that all is well asyou find your balance and return to a state of harmonious being.Because your energy body and your physical body vibrate at suchdifferent rates and are beginning to merge into one in a new way,you can experience these shifts in physical ways. Consult ahealthcare practitioner that you trust and who listens to what youhave to say as you feel guided, especially if something is notgetting better as you try to honour the process of healing andregeneration. Remember that sometimes the aches and pains andtiredness are due to the energetic awakenings you are going throughand sometimes just spending time in nature, rest, meditation,eating nourishing foods, and drinking lots of water blessed withlove and thank you are all that is required to get you through itand at other times there are tinctures and essences that can helpthe healing process run more smoothly.
Your angel guidance is to remember that you arespiritually awakening into greater light and this expansion, whilenatural and beautiful, requires time and taking care of yourself.You will be experience your world in new ways, with newsensitivities and understandings and this all can be made easierwhen you take the time to allow the process to unfold.
Affirmation: "I bathe myself in healing light toheal, purify, and regenerate my physical, emotional, mental, andspiritual bodies as I continue the process of merging my energybodies with my physical and expand my light."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan