As you strengthenyour connection to the Divine, you allow for the possibilities ofbeing more in the flow with the energy of the river of life andreceive Divine guidance on your path and notice more of the eventsthat are orchestrated by your support team and Divine Self. Youallow yourself to walk 'in-tune' or 'tuned-in' with the worldaround you and experience a more magnificent journey as aresult.
Your angel guidancefor today is to connect with the Divine within you. Climb as highas you can until you feel that you are merged as one with theDivine and allow that energy to flow freely to and through you.Open yourself up and ask that you become more aware throughout yourday to the signs and guidance that you seek to light the pathbefore you and help you to make the best choices for yourself, yourmission and your life. As you go about your day allow yourself tobe open to the flow around you and let the day unfold.
Affirmation: "My lifeflows easily and I receive more synchronicity and guidance withevery step that I take as I follow the path that is my destinyfulfilled."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan