2015年1月13日 星期二

天使的智慧20150110 充能

充能並重新專注   Recharge andrefocus


Today's message isabout recharging your hopes, your dreams, and your batteries. Ithas been a bit of a busy time on your earth plane and it hasbrought with it much change. This change has elevated you to a newperspective and therefore it is important to re- hone some of yourskills and talents as they have expanded. Like any muscle it isimportant to use them, to play them and watch them grow. As you dothis you may find that your goals need to be adjusted and upgradedto match this new you.


It is the perfecttime to get your life in order so that you can see thetangible results you desire manifesting in your life. Use thesenext few weeks to set the stage and plant the seeds for what isbecoming as these are grand opportunities you don't want to miss.This is the time so many of you have been waiting for, prepare,plan, and begin. IF you have been feeling a bit discouraged orperhaps even downright dismayed, fear not, for this will pass asthe fog begins to lift and things become clearer and you can seethe bigger picture or trust that many things await you in the greatbeyond.


Affirmation: "I feelhope, optimism, and enthusiasm as I envision what lies ahead for meon my path and I am ready and excited for the world to see my newlight."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

