2015年1月15日 星期四

天使的智慧20150111 基礎

恢復和重新建立   Rejuvenate and buildanew


It is time to getyour focus back to what is most important to you, a sort of back tothe basics except that this time it is an advance to the new basics- it is time to move forward in this new way with this new you thathas been metamorphosing into over this past few months and it isbeginning to emerge from its cocoon. There willbe a time of readjustments as you learn to 'walk' once again orperhaps even to fly. Allow yourself the time to get used to yournew senses and sensitivities and revitalize your nervous system byusing water and earth and connecting with the trees and nature toassist in the process.


Use this time to helpyou to focus, to create balance, harmony, and self-sufficiency.Stimulate your ideas and support the new growth that will behappening as you prepare to take action in this new energy and newway you now have available to you. As you take action, take wasseems complex and make it simpler and doable by doing what is mostimportant to you and your mission. Let go of any doubt or negativethinking, or excuses and get it done. Surround yourself and yourgoals with light to help them to manifest into physical reality andtrust in yourself as it unfolds.


Affirmation: "I cando this. I am surrounded by the loving support of my guides andangels and the Universe supports my goals and mission."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

