Within you is aDivine connection to an all knowing consciousness that is beyondtime and space and it is when you learn to trust in that connectionand the feelings it invokes within your sacred heart that you seethe results of your intentions, your purpose and your destinyfulfilled. Often- times these feeling defy the logical mind and seemto come out of nowhere and yet this force is far greater thananything you have experienced before. Trust what you feel in yourheart as you are opening up your higher mind to dialogue directlywith the Divine for guidance, understanding, and to help you tocreate and manifest what you came here to experience.
你被給予了機遇去改變你的生活。不要猶豫去接納更高頭腦和神聖之心與你分享的信息與記號,來幫助回复你的祈禱。你已經成長,是時候去準備接收更多適合你的,在你成長和擴張的下一個階段。相信奇怪和神秘,在這個時刻。你在接入古人的智慧波浪,你以前到過這裡,你本能地知道該怎麼做。相信你會做出正確的行為,你的意圖會顯化,在憶起你輝煌和使命的旅程中更進一步吧 !
You are being givenopportunities to change your life. Do not hesitate to accept themessages and symbols that you're higher mind and sacred heart sharewith you to help to guide the answers to your prayers. You haveoutgrown what once was and it is time to prepare to receive thatwhich is more suited to you now in this next stage of your growthand expansion. Trust the strange and mysterious at this time. Youare tapping into an ancient wave of wisdom, you have been herebefore and you know instinctively what to do. Trust that you willact with right action, and that your intentions will manifest andtake you further on your journey of remembering your magnificenceand your mission.
Affirmation: "I amguided by my sacred heart and higher mind and the signs and symbolsI receive in my dreams and meditations are the messages to help toilluminate the path before me and I trust that this isso."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan