There is a quickeningand so much is changing in your world and at such a rapid pace thatat times it feels like you are whirling dervish spinning out ofcontrol. It is this very energy that can assist you if you chooseto let it. When you tap into this stream and use it to its fullestpotential that you see the rapid growth and expansion so many ofyou desire for yourself and your life. This is a time of greatness,and yet it also requires courage and determination. Keep yourvision alive and see the wonder in the possibilities.
Become conscious ofthe tone you are stetting and the message you are broadcastingduring this epic moment in your time. Everything you are and couldbe has come to this pivotal moment and the choices are yours tomake and yours alone. Honour your talents and skills by developingthem to their fullest extent. You have everything you need at yourready, see how quickly you can advance when you choose to be in theflow of these high vibrations, sharpening your abilities,connecting with your powers, and striking a balance within you sothat you are coming from that place of deep love and appreciationfor yourself and your life.
Affirmation: "I amready, willing, and able to let my light shine. I have thecapabilities, talents, and skills to create, grow, and prosper. Iam in the flow of the higher vibrations of this golden time whenthe brilliance of my life isheightened ."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan