There are times whenit is best to just go with the flow and then there are times whengreat waves of powerful energy are available and it can beexhilarating to catch a big wave and tap into its power and mightto help propel you forward and help you to manifest yourintentions . This is one of those times when a powerful force isfilled with such great potential for your life and your growth thatyou are encouraged to be brave and catch a ride.
Your angel guidanceis to work with this power, to use your own potential with thepower of this mighty force, set your course, gather your strengthand courage and become one with this wave. Seek out these powerfulforces and natural cycles and use them to help harness the energyand direct it by knowing what you want and taking action to moveyou in the direction of your dreams and you will succeed. Use thepower within you and the power that is around you and rise up. Feelthe force within you matched by the force that is approaching andmerge them together to help you make great progress and creategreat magic.
Affirmation: "When Icombine my inner strength, magic and power with that of theUniverse, I know that I am powerful and can create my dreams andintentions, manifesting them in my physical world."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan