Today's message isabout self-examination and really getting to know yourself and whoyou really are and who you are becoming by your desire to expandyour light. Sometimes on the journey of life you can get caught upin the images that others want you to be and sometimes personalintegrity is compromised to fit in or go with the status-quo.Sometimes there is a need to compromise some activities to makethose around you happier, however it is also important for you tobe true to your own heart as you do this and this is often wherethe challenge lies.
Life is a greatmirror and the clearer the reflections of the world around you are,the clearer the path before you seems. It sometimes shows you whatthe world cannot see but what the spirit can sense. This can cometo you through observing what is happening around you . It can comethrough your thoughts and feelings when you are meditating, throughthe words of those around you, or even through the words andfeelings from the songs you hear on the radio, or it can come toyou in a moment when you glimpse who you are becoming , through yourdreams, visions, and flashes of inspiration and intuition. Howeverit comes your way, do not be afraid to look at yourself and yourlife from the entirety of yourself and your soul. It is time to seethe truth of who you truly and see yourself through the eyes andthe love of your authentic self and your guides and angels arehappy to help to guide you through this introspection and help yousee the true magnificence of your light.
Affirmation: "As Ilook deeper at my life, I can clearly see the me that I truly amand my authenticity. As I embrace the magic of myself, I see thetruth of who I am and experience new levels of self-love,self-knowledge , and self-healing."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan