You are an earth angel who came to earth to havea human experience and you are surrounded by love and support, notonly from those around you, you also have guardians to assist youand support you while you are wearing your veil of forgetfulness.As you awaken to the grandness of who you truly are, this veilbegins to thin and you see more deeply. You are part of somethinggrand and profound. You have a sacred purpose to fulfil and itscalling from deep within you. This awakening that you seek and areliving right now, is unfolding in perfection, and you are not everalone.
Know that your prayershave been heard and answered. Keep asking each day from your heart and knowthat you are safely carried on this journey back to love. If youhave been worrying about a loved one, or any situation in yourlife, know that this protection is around you and that love andtrust in yourself and the Divine will help you to release thesedoubts or fears and help to make you stronger. You do not walkalone, you are not separate from the Divine, and you are notseparated from the light. Open up your heart and continue to riseup to the light, knowing you are loved and supported,always.
Affirmation: "I carry the essence of the Divine within myheart. As I rise up to meet the light, I am supported, loved, andinspired. I am held loving in the hands of the Divine Creator,always, and it is safe for me to be love."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan