2015年2月2日 星期一

【天使的智慧】 20150127 《喜悅》

看到隱藏的美麗  See the hiddenbeauty


In this moment trust that there is joy waiting to befelt, being offered, and found, no matter how hard that may seem atthis moment, believe it to be so. Let go of any attachments toproblems, people, or outcomes as much as you can and you will findyourself allowing. Take a moment and step back, take a deep breath,and allow the Divine Creator to take over and let all things sortthemselves out. Even if you are amidst darkness or suffering, youcan find joy, even if just for moment and sometimes that moment isall that is needed, that letting go, to help things get movingagain, to feel inspired, and see that there is beauty, joy, andlove all around you. See that you are being offered divine supportto live a less guarded life, to let your true nature shine throughany adversity and live in joy, regardless.


You may think you see the whole picture, but sometimeswhen you look deeper you see something that brings you joy, hopeand reassurance that all things will be okay. There is a morebeautiful perspective that affirms, supports, and nourishes you andall involved. Relax and find the joy in your life as it was meantto be and soon you will be able to see this beautiful newperspective that would not have been so clear if you had not beenlooking for something more, reaching beyond where you were to gowhere you want to be. Soften your heart and ask to be shown thebeauty in your life and let that vision come alive and you shallsee what once was hidden and now it is being revealed, like a lotusflower opening its petals and all is well.


Affirmation: "As I take a deep breath, relax and findjoy, all is revealed to me at the most perfect time that isimportant to my life and all I need is to do the best I can andlive my life."

就是如此   And so it is


Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

