This is atime of celebration, a time of laughter and joy, to celebrate therewards of your hard work, to gather together with community andregard happy relationships and family. Release yourself from any burdensome situationsor energy and lighten your life by bringing in thoughts andfeelings of vitality , joy, and zest.
Everycloud has its silver lining and so understanding that everythingalso happens for a reason helps to release those irrational fearsand anxieties that only weigh you down from experiencing thesweetness that life truly has to offer. Sometimes what you aregoing through is to help strengthen you, to make you laugh, or tohelp you grow. Regardless of its purpose in your life, release anyregret, and embrace the opportunities for happiness, love, and joyand allow them to touch your spirit and that of those around you.Laughter is contagious and so spread that virus of love witheveryone you come in contact with and watch as the world around youchanges and brightens.
Affirmation: "As I awaken the joy, laughter, andspontaneity of my heart, my spirit soars and I become a beacon oflight that attracts zest and vitality to my life."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
Everycloud has its silver lining and so understanding that everythingalso happens for a reason helps to release those irrational fearsand anxieties that only weigh you down from experiencing thesweetness that life truly has to offer. Sometimes what you aregoing through is to help strengthen you, to make you laugh, or tohelp you grow. Regardless of its purpose in your life, release anyregret, and embrace the opportunities for happiness, love, and joyand allow them to touch your spirit and that of those around you.Laughter is contagious and so spread that virus of love witheveryone you come in contact with and watch as the world around youchanges and brightens.
Affirmation: "As I awaken the joy, laughter, andspontaneity of my heart, my spirit soars and I become a beacon oflight that attracts zest and vitality to my life."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan