With all the change that has been happening, bothinwardly and in your outer world, you have been creating some newconnections that are more suited to this new you that is emergingas you shed your skin and become anew. This is a good time tore-evaluate your current connections, as well as the value of whereand with whom you network and spend your time. Are the groups youassociate with truly supporting each other and working for the goodof All?
When you begin to shift your focus to a place where yousee growth, prosperity, and can thrive in this new energy, you willfind that your dreams and intentions begin to come alive with a newlife force energy that helps you know when you are in the rightplace at the right time and surrounded by those who have a similaroutlook. You may have to initiate this for yourself and not rely onothers to bring it to you. You are always continuing to evolve, itis part of being a human and a spirit. There is plenty of newtechnologies, new connections, and new locations to help you tothrive and build new networks, closing down what no longer supportsyour growth or friendships that keep you stuck in the oldyou.
If you are feeling vulnerable during this phase ofshedding the old and rebuilding the new, rest assured that you arenot alone and have magical companions who are there to assist youand you can always call upon one of them to be your guardian at thegate and keep your heart safe from those whose intentions are notfor the good of all. Soon they will no longer be attracted to yourlight, for as you grow and prosper you will become sobright.
Affirmation: "I am alive with excitement as I makenew connections, learn new skills andsharpen my talents as I discover this new path that is leading mehome in this ever changing world and it is beautiful tobehold."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan