This is the shift inaction and things can come about full swing. If you are preparedfor this shift then you will likely land on firmer ground. Forothers, this is something that may feel unexpected, or a change youdid not see coming, rest assured however that you were fully awareof the dynamics of the plans. Let this not derail you, but toinspire you with trust and confidence that there are options andthat all is also not what it might seem. Delve deep into theunknown and making it known is key.
You have been given agreat gift. As you continue on your path of transformation, youwill be able to see more clearly, even when there is no lightaround you. You will hear more clearly what is being said when oneis speaking with you - their words true meaning and you will expandyour knowingness and awaken the innate within you that knows wherepeople, beings and their energies are coming from. In other words,you will hold greater power then you held before and it unfolds asit should because it brings with it great spiritual responsibilityto yourself and all humanity.
Affirmation: "As Igrow and expand my wisdom and understanding, I begin to see moreclearly, hear more clearly, and expand my abilities to know andinnately understand its true meaning for the good ofAll."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan