See the gift ofpossibilities that is being made available to you. Feel out thefate, or the knowing of the outcome of certain paths and you arebeing guided by the divine powers that are within you and toolsthat are there for you to utilize as you become ready for theirawesome power once again. It is truly a re-remembering of what youhave been before and now it is safe for you to bring theseabilities to the surface and use them to help to make a better wayfor yourself and all humanity.
You are growing inleaps and bounds and as you prepare for this next big shift be surethat are taking care of you. This helps to lessen the shiftsymptoms you are going through and helps you to acclimatize to thehigher degrees of light that you begin to carry. Stare into thewaters and see the ripples of what could be. Allow yourself thetime to connect with the divine and activate this power while youteach yourself the wisdom of the worlds. You will see through yourfeelings, your dreams, and your visions, the signs and symbols andbecome aware of a new consciousness speaking to you from deepwithin. It is time to train, and then implement your new skillswith great responsibility, love, and beauty.
Affirmation: "As Ilearn to trust myself and my abilities with which I can see thepossibilities of what is to come, I am able to make better choicesfor myself and my life and assist in the expansion of all thatis."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan