2015年2月13日 星期五
天使的智慧20150210 流動
We see so many of youstruggle as you resist the forces and cycles of nature, the moon,and the stars. It is when you learn to appreciate and employ thecycles and the lunar light that you put yourself in the place ofallowing, of being open to the possibilities and also what is.There is a time for action and a time to allow, there is a time forsacred ritual and retreat, and a time for sister/brotherhood andallies.
Learn to harness theenergy of the moons flow to assist you and guide you in your cyclesof life. Notice your thoughts and feelings at the different timesand how each aspect offers you something different to work with andyou will find that you get more done and do so more easily, withjoy and excitement.
Affirmation: "I am intune with the cycles of my life and I know when it is best foraction, and advancement, and when it is best for me to relax andenjoy the process unfolding."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides