When you begin tobecome aware of yourself and your senses in a new light, it can bea bit confusing as you try to sort out the new thoughts andfeelings that you are having. When you begin to look deeper at thecycles and patterns in your life, you will find there is a sense ofrhythm that is uniquely yours and there are ones that have helpedyou and then there are the ones that hinder your progress and blockthe development you desire. Check in to see if some of yourthoughts, feelings and attitudes are supporting yourgrowth.
Use amethyst, thecolour and the stone to help you to expand and dissolve oldpatterns and shift your consciousness. It can help you to balanceand align your physical and spiritual selves, so that you begin towork more consciously with together. It can help you with yoursleep time and your awake time and transforms, aligns, and protectsyour energy body to help you open up and accelerate your psychicdevelopment, clairvoyance, and your ability to see Divineenergy.
Affirmation: "As Iidentify any beliefs, behaviours, and habits that block mydevelopment, I am able to release and transform them with violetlight so that I can move forward with ease."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan