2015年2月24日 星期二

天使的智慧20150221 清晰的思路

清晰你的想法   Clear yourThoughts


When you take thetime to clear your mind, clear your thinking and clear yourthoughts, you are more able to hear the quiet whispering of Spiritfrom deep within you. It is that small quiet voice that exists in astate of love, sending you waves of support to help you calm yourmind, body, and soul. It is your connection to the Divine and it iswhat helps you make all things possible in the world of thephysical.


Work on developingyour mental clarity and you will feel a positive force well up fromwithin you. It is often the most challenging to master the world ofyour thoughts, but once you have that aspect of yourself workingwith you and supporting you, you will find that you begin to createas if by magic...it is that profound of an experience.


Affirmation: "I amable to quickly clear my mind, transform unwanted thoughts, anddevelop the mental clarity that I need to assist me in manifestingthe steps that are best to take to experience a more joyous journeyrich with abundance in all aspects of my life. I am grateful forthis experience."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

